onsdag 14 mars 2012

This is what been made from our saris!

Been taking all our saris to a tailor and he have done a nice job. This is just a bit of  all we have done, we have more to come. Its really exciting and fun to figure out designs, and then pick a sari that would suit the design. Me and Tea is just getting a bit too creative for our tailer to handle. When he sees us pull up with the scooter in front of his shop, his face says, ohh no not the white girl again with some carzy ideas.    
Really cool pants!

This dress can be worn as a skirt aswell, all of the pictures above is the same dress made by diffrent saris!
Tea at the Sari shop
Cute girl helping us to pick saris 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Söta ni är som klipper av huvudena på alla bilder...!

  2. jaa, he he, e nog för att vi inte e så söta som huvvena åker bort ha ha!
