onsdag 8 februari 2012

Getting smacked!

Beautiful morning, is in a good mood and I feel like I am at the right place at the perfect time. Lissening to Swedih radio maked me happy.

Had my second massage and steaming for my 7th day of "Pancha Karma" It all reminds me off beeing back in Thailand and is getting ready for a fight. The place looks like it could been where the fighters in Thailand get their massage before a fight, not very gamoures. After some hard deep tissue massage she starts "smacking me up" with her palms. It sounds like you are at a ping pong championship game, she is so fast, or she would be the perfect trummer in a rock band, different beats she got it all. Then its steaming. I sit in this box for 20 min and sweat out all toxins and of cours all good minerals and nutrions to, after I get a coconut I feel great again. Coconut water is the best thing there is, natrual electrolytes. After I have had a long runn in thailand and been sweating alot I have a cocconut and I can finish my muaythai training like nothing. Here in Mysore they have a coconut stand in every coner, just like Thailand have thire seven eleven.

My practise this morning was really great. A Jay was happy and me to. I have been doubting I was ready to go more futher on with the second serie. But today I showed him I am ready and he will get me futher on, made me super happy! Tomorrow is Vinysa class again thou, so I have to enjoy having a good day coz tomorrow will be way harder to get him impressed.

Yesterday me and Tea whent to the market and bought loads of food so we can cook. On Sunday I can eat whatever I whant again, how good is that! But I wil try and eat natrual food, organic, with vitamins and good nutrions. After this Pancha Karma my body is detoxifyed and will be abel to take in the Vitamins and nutrions better.

Tea bying coconut
Lunch at the Mandala cafe
The steaming box I sit in!
Where I am getting my massage done
My massage lady heating up the oil

Morning class, tryining to warm up
Laundry everywhere
Attack by Monkeys in our garden

Making dinner!

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