torsdag 22 oktober 2015

Times flies here in Mysore, I am on my 3 week here now and finally I feel my body is getting into it, into the practice. Funny why it has to take so long time, maybe coz I am getting older, nooooo noooo !  I was so thrilled after practice this morning, I made it coming down from Karandavasana. And last week I manage to jump down from Pincha to chaturanga, witch I been struggling with forever. Its good to have these days to look back at when you later have days when everything just feels impossible. I am up at 4 am every morning to drive to practice and start by 4,45 am, its so nice going back to bed after the class and sleep until 9 am. Love it. We not many people in that batch so I get a lot of attention witch is awesome. Just love being back here.  

In the afternoons and the weekends its always been something happening. I feel its been a very social time for me, to get to know some new people and meet up with old once. It gives me a lot of energi but can also be a bit tiering some days. I try and balance it. This week and next week many of my old friends will arrive as well so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Right now its Dasera. Its a big Holliday for Indian people and its been going on for 9 days. Its so much people outside on the streets and all around, its crazy. I try avoid going into town coz it just mad in there. Did go a few times this week and I almost got runed over at least ten times. Its a lot of people anyway in town a normal Saturday or any week day, but now its even worse, its like as it is back home at the end of the Christmas Hollidays when everyone is buying the last christmas gifts, multiply by ten. And then people say that Mysore is a calm place comparing to the rest of india. In this chaos I get it, the importance to keep a calm mind, and a calm inside or els its not possible to live here. I don't usually get frustrated in traffic but lately I caught myself wanting to point my finger at someone who is beeping the horn for no reason, or thinking all kinds of weird words in my head about people who can't drive or think they own the roads,  but at least I didn't screen them out loud or showed my finger. But been very close. 

I understand why this is the land for meditation and awareness of the inside, when everything on the outside is so chaotic. The best place to practice a calm mind, its not by a beautiful beach with an amazing surroundings, even thou it would be nice with a beach right now, ha ha ha!

ok, got to do some washing, phuu, life is so hard sometimes.... and sorry if there its a lot of wrong spelling or bad english, you might have to get use to it. I would be very happy if let know my faults though, then I try not doing wrong twice, I try at least!

Have a nice day, greetings from Mysore.  

Mysore lake, sunset. 


Meeting up with Angie who is my friends friend from New Zeeland. 

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