lördag 7 april 2012

Be more aware!

Makes me so sad to see this klipp. How much chemicals do we actualite put into our bodys today? Its not just the meat its in everything, our vegetables are full of pesticides, to stay fresh longer and I can go on. How are our bodys suppose to function propper when we eat all this chemicals? The body has a normal way of  making you feel full, but that function wont work if we are toxic. We should go back to nature more, think about what we eat. Maybe not to live longer (coz we all gonna die one day) but to feel better and appreciate every day. Make better choises when we buy our food. We do become what we eat. Value the body more that you have to live with for the rest of your life. Its not about losing weight its about feeling great to appricate life more. Be more aware.  

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