lördag 3 mars 2012

Practise basic living, Asthanga philosophy!

To practise social health is the roots of Asthanga yoga, even thou you think you are a good person, you can always become better by practise. The two frist limps of all eight, explains how you practise social health to become a good person, moral codes. Yama, the first one describes how you should live in the world, how you treat other people, non violence (mental verbal, physical), thruth (mental, verbal, physical), non stealing (mental, verbal and physical). Niyama the second limp is self discipline, how you treat yourself, to pure your mind and body. Its all very basic things that I think every humanbeing should practise in their every day life. When you come to a point when you think you are good you can always do better and you need to be more aware.

Picture your mind like a glas of water and behind the water glas its a red rose that makes the water look like red water. But its just an illusion. Thats how every day life makes our mind (the water) unpure by fluctionations (red rose). To get rid of the fluctioations you practise the eight limpt of Asthanga yoga. You try and make your mind and body pure. You try and seperate the rose and the water so you see the clear water in the glas. So many people dont know what to value in life  coz we all have alot of fluctionations( me too), exampel to eat food thats good for you instead of buying expensive cars and houses. Invest insted in your body that you have to deal with the rest of your life. Realize to be "non attaced" to things, coz that makes you want to defend your attacments and you become greedy, "non attached" to alot, material things, people, life ext. AJay said one day," I try and teach you guys yoga. I tell you how you should take the food towards your mouth with a spoon but I can not swollow the food for you. I can just tell you to bring it straight into your mouth. The effort you put into learning you have to realize and make your mind sharp. You guys put alot of effort into earning alot of money but you dont know what to spend it on. You dont know what to value in life". And its so tru, thats why so many people are confused, I think. Its just so easy if you go back to basic living and start following where your gut tells you to go. Trust your gut, not always your mind coz we have alot of fluctioations to deal with, and I have so many but I try to understand them and be more aware. Then its good to have a teacher like A Jay, when you are in the shala he reminds you to not fucous on life ouside the shala, like family and food, in the shala its Yoga asana nothing els. The worst pose for me is Savasana, the relaxing pose when you just lie down on your mat in the end. My mind is everywhere, especially breakfast! Or now when I have so many idees what to make of my saris, he he!

To practis physical helth you have the Asana and Pranayama. Asana is the poses and Pranayama is the breath control. Its amazing how you can control yourself with your breathing. Without my breathing I would have not made it this far in my asenas. Its amazing how deep down in yourself you can reach when you control your breath. I am really bad in some poses, to breath propper, sounds like I am in a respirator.

Then you have the mental health which is, controling yor senses Pratyahara. Its important to control your senses like hunger, thurst, sexuallity ext to find a balance and understanding what your mind and body tells you. Concentration, dharana is the sixth limp. Concentraion you need to fucus and reach towards your goals and it makes your mind steady.Try and have concentration in evything you do and dont let your mind be flowing around.

Then you have the spiritual health, whish is the more comlicted limp, I think. Ist hard to reach this higher level of speriuality, but you do it when you practise mediation  Dharana and with time you should come to self realization, Dhyana, whish only real Yogis do. I havent come that far but I am trying to practesing at least the basic limps of Asthanga yoga wish is hard egnought. I think all of ous who ever have been in love with another person is spiritual, even thought many of us would not classify themselfs as being spiritual.

Now you know I bit what Asthanga yoga philosophi. I feel like the asanas is making me a little bit attaced, its like a drug. But its makes med happy, and thats what I need to be a better person and value the right things, like the people I love and make me happy!

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