söndag 26 februari 2012

Spoiled girl

Its monday morning and mum left last night. The week gone by so fast, unbeliveble. It was her first time visiting India and just like its for everyone, it was a big shock in the beginning, but after a while she got used to the crazynuess and she said she started seeing the beauty insted of  focusing on the durt and bad things, coz there is so much beauty in this contry to enjoy and descover. Mum is such eazy person to hangout with and she never expected me to be the perfect host. She just enjoyed following me and Tea on our everyday lifestyle her in Mysore and its not a fancy or glamorous one, real basic life style. But we hand an amazing week. Alot of shooping and eating. We climed Chamondi hill, 1000 stepps, went to the Mysore palace and saw the light show all the turist stuff you should have done in Mysore. I am a very lucky to have a mum like her, that suports me in everything I decide do in life, spoiled girl!!!

AJay been sick this past week. So we went to the hospital and visit him. Mum thought it was intresting visiting an Inian hospital coz she is a nurse. The hopital is nothing like swedish hospitals but it was one of the better ones in this area, a little bit cleaner. AJay feels better and now he is back in the shala teaching ous. Makes such a diffrens. He makes my practice makes more sens and makes me keep puching to do better, so I am looking forward to this week, happy he is back and feels better.

We also had a photo shoot on Saturday coz the girl we live toghter with Justyna, needed models for her project. So on Satuday morning we walked around on the streets here in the neighbourhood and found diffrent cool loactions. We were very stiff from a hard past week and we dident really have a propper warm up either but we did our best. Mum had her camera and got some cool shoots to but the final results are just amazing. Will post a mix of photos from the photo shoot and I will post more from mum visit soon.


3 kommentarer:

  1. Fina bilder Hanna. Värmer i sthlms kylan

  2. Tack Kusse!!!! Glad jag blir att du gillade dom. Kämpa på i storstaden! så ses vi snart kraaam

  3. Åh vilka fina bilder Hanna! :D
    Stor kram!
