måndag 13 februari 2012

Me and George, not bonding!

Ok, me and Tea just gave up on studying any more today, the philosophy and suttras are very hard to understand. We are the worst students ever. We don't know how to chant the suttras and are not getting the philosophy behind them. Well as Tea said the other day when we leaft the class, "at least we both are as bad" ha ha! But we are hanging in there.

The weekend has been nice, realxing and fun. Went to the market in town, had som food there and even got a cockroach in the food. Tea is very scared of cockroaches but more of the ones that are alive thou. So when she screams like someone is tryining to kill her, I know it is just a cockroach. I am more scared of the monkeys or the cows when they are trying to get in to the house. We have a cat as well. Her name is George, yes someone thought she was a male when they named her. I have never been a cat person and now I am definitely not one. This cat is crazy and always wants my attention. But we have her coz she keeps the other unwelcome animals in our kitchen away. She is not doing a good work though, so I am considering firing her from her post. My other roomie I had before, loves cats and she is coming over so we can give George a proper shower one day. Tea is apparently allergic to cats so she can't help so I have to. Not looking forward to that day! But it will be good to get her clean though.

Soon mum gets her. Cant wait! On sunday she arrives. I am so looking forward to showing her around here. Only One more week, just have to focus on my practise as hard as I did last week
so the time will fly by. I feel really good in my practise now. And also after my "Pancha Karma" I feel awesome. Dont know if its in my head or if it made a differense but that dosent matter, at least I feel good.

I am really happy for my friends back home in Sweden that fought on Sunday. Awesome work. Wish I could have been there to support them and watch. Looking forward to seeing it on Video when I get back. Miss my friends from back home and my family a lot. Wish I could pack all my frind in a box and take them with me everywhere. But I have facebook and skype, I guess thats how I keep my world together when I miss talking to friends and family. Thanks for keeping me updated, really appreciate it!

Glommens Thai box team is hot!

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